Qualified accountants urged to promote credentials for legal recognition

Qualified accountants urged to promote credentials for legal recognition

3y Institute of Financial Account...

Qualified accountants urged to promote credentials...

The Institute of Financial Accounts (IFA) looks at how accountants can do their bit towards legal recognition for the term ‘accountant’ and win themse...

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UK accountant handed jail term in £160k tax fraud case

UK accountant handed jail term in £160k tax fraud case

3y Sam Alberti

UK accountant handed jail term in £160k tax fraud ...

The taxpayer’s trust was abused using accountancy knowledge and expertise, HMRC said Read More...

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Furloughed staff considered ‘super-priority’ creditors during administration

Furloughed staff considered ‘super-priority’ creditors during administratio...

5y Jeremy Chan

Furloughed staff considered ‘super-priority’ credi...

Recent court rulings clarify legal grey area caused by furlough scheme Read More...

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Shareholders at war: Court influenced by expert accountant on true value of business

Shareholders at war: Court influenced by expert accountant on true value of...

5y Roger Isaacs

Shareholders at war: Court influenced by expert ac...

As is common in such shareholder disputes, emotions ran high, causing the judge to observe that “at times the complaints have seemed more suited to a ...

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HP and Autonomy - The use of evidence in and from foreign proceedings
Company News

HP and Autonomy - The use of evidence in and from foreign proceedings

6y Charles Pugh and Edmond Fung

HP and Autonomy - The use of evidence in and from...

Oury Clark solicitors give an insight into the HP and Autonomy accounting fraud case, assessing the use of foreign evidence in proceedings. The trial ...

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KPMG is bridging the gap between accountancy and law
People In Business

KPMG is bridging the gap between accountancy and law

6y Emanuela Hawker , Reporter

KPMG is bridging the gap between accountancy and l...

Peter Workman is the latest partner to be introduced into KPMG’s legal team Read More...

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“20% of SMEs are running into cash-flow problems because of late payment[s],” says CYBG

“20% of SMEs are running into cash-flow problems because of late payment[s]...

6y Emanuela Hawker , Reporter

“20% of SMEs are running into cash-flow problems b...

Earlier this month, Accountancy Age spoke with Graeme Sands, the corporate and mid-market director of the Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banking Group (CYBG...

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"It's right at the fore of everyone's attention and firms can't ignore it anymore": #MeToo in accountancy

"It's right at the fore of everyone's attention and firms can't ignore it a...

6y Accountancy Age

"It's right at the fore of everyone's attention an...

How accountancy has changed since #MeToo erupted and why there's still a way to go in tackling misconduct in the workplace Read More...

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How are KPMG UK addressing the increasing pressure put on in-house legal teams?
Big Four

How are KPMG UK addressing the increasing pressure put on in-house legal te...

6y Emanuela Hawker , Reporter

How are KPMG UK addressing the increasing pressure...

Two new appointments to their LOTS team shows how KPMG UK plans to offer more services to their clients Read More...

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30% growth for KPMG legal services
People In Business

30% growth for KPMG legal services

6y Emanuela Hawker , Reporter

30% growth for KPMG legal services

2018 was a huge year for KPMG legal services, and this looks set to continue across the globe as expansion plans develop Read More...

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Deloitte Legal expansion: managing partner appointment
People In Business

Deloitte Legal expansion: managing partner appointment

6y Emanuela Hawker , Reporter

Deloitte Legal expansion: managing partner appoint...

Michael Castle is set to become a Deloitte Legal first as he starts in his new role as managing partner in February 2019 Read More...

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The Sports Direct privilege decision is a major erosion of fundamental rights

The Sports Direct privilege decision is a major erosion of fundamental righ...

6y Hickman and Rose

The Sports Direct privilege decision is a major er...

The High Court in Sports Direct has ruled that the fundamental protections afforded by legal privilege can be sidestepped by the FRC in the course of ...

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Patisserie Valerie: Reflections and future predictions on the cake business fraud scandal

Patisserie Valerie: Reflections and future predictions on the cake business...

6y Accountancy Age

Patisserie Valerie: Reflections and future predict...

Accountancy Age catches up with Gavin Pearson, forensic accounting and expert witness partner at Quantuma on the Patisserie Valerie accounting investi...

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Can you keep a secret?

Can you keep a secret?

6y Karen Baxter

Can you keep a secret?

As #MeToo and #TimesUp gather pace, what role have settlement agreements played in keeping abusive behaviour quiet for too long? Read More...

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How to bring an allegation of sexual misconduct in the workplace

How to bring an allegation of sexual misconduct in the workplace

6y Kirsty Churm

How to bring an allegation of sexual misconduct in...

The #MeToo movement has brought sexual misconduct to the forefront now more than ever, and businesses will listen to you if you need to report it at w...

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IFRS 16: how to ensure your house is in order ahead of January 2019 deadline

IFRS 16: how to ensure your house is in order ahead of January 2019 deadlin...

7y Mathew Keshav Lewis

IFRS 16: how to ensure your house is in order ahea...

New lease accounting standards ASC 842 and IFRS 16 are latest in a wave of significant regulatory change Read More...

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Deloitte latest Big Four player to offer legal services in bid to become more holistic
Big Four

Deloitte latest Big Four player to offer legal services in bid to become mo...

7y Accountancy Age

Deloitte latest Big Four player to offer legal ser...

Deloitte Legal International will be a fully licensed foreign law practice independent from other Deloitte entities serving clients across South East ...

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What does HMRC advise businesses on VAT fraud prevention?

What does HMRC advise businesses on VAT fraud prevention?

7y Nicola Sharp

What does HMRC advise businesses on VAT fraud prev...

HMRC explains that companies can avoid VAT penalties in future “by not becoming involved in any transactions connected with VAT fraud’’ Read More...

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Should you hire graduates or experienced professionals?

Should you hire graduates or experienced professionals?

7y Accountancy Age

Should you hire graduates or experienced professio...

Recruitment dilemma: should businesses hire graduates or experienced professionals? Read More...

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PwC replaces Deloitte as Linklaters auditor after Arsenal lawsuit

PwC replaces Deloitte as Linklaters auditor after Arsenal lawsuit

7y Accountancy Age

PwC replaces Deloitte as Linklaters auditor after ...

The conflict began when Arsenal stakeholder Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith filed a professional negligence claim against the Big Four and magic circle firm...

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Supreme Court rules against Pimlico Plumbers in landmark employment case

Supreme Court rules against Pimlico Plumbers in landmark employment case

7y Accountancy Age

Supreme Court rules against Pimlico Plumbers in la...

The ruling, relating to the employment status of plumber Gary Smith, will have wide implications for the gig economy and the rights of independent con...

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Eight things we learned about GDPR at Accountex 2018

Eight things we learned about GDPR at Accountex 2018

7y Accountancy Age

Eight things we learned about GDPR at Accountex 20...

This year's GDPR speaker sessions at Accountex London cut through the noise to reveal the new regulation is not nearly as complex as you think it is R...

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Ukraine’s PrivatBank files $3bn claim against PwC

Ukraine’s PrivatBank files $3bn claim against PwC

7y Accountancy Age

Ukraine’s PrivatBank files $3bn claim against PwC

PwC said it plans to defend its position "vigorously" Read More...

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10 steps to helping clients sell their land

10 steps to helping clients sell their land

7y Alex Harrington-Griffin

10 steps to helping clients sell their land

A landowner advisory discusses top tips for accountants to help clients achieve a more secure and rewarding transaction when selling property Read Mor...

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Deloitte’s audits of Hezbollah-linked bank to be examined by Dubai court

Deloitte’s audits of Hezbollah-linked bank to be examined by Dubai court

7y Accountancy Age

Deloitte’s audits of Hezbollah-linked bank to be e...

In a landmark ruling, a Dubai judge said the court will hear whether Deloitte Middle East was negligent as auditor of the Lebanese Canadian Bank Read ...

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Taylor Review: Government expands workers’ rights, but tax issues remain

Taylor Review: Government expands workers’ rights, but tax issues remain

7y Accountancy Age

Taylor Review: Government expands workers’ rights,...

The government proposals provide gig economy workers with greater rights, but experts say the refusal to re-examine NICs or tax classifications may be...

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Bookkeepers – are you ready for GDPR?

Bookkeepers – are you ready for GDPR?

7y Julie Hodgskin

Bookkeepers – are you ready for GDPR?

Bookkeepers who run payroll and store large amounts of personal data must ensure it is kept secure and GDPR-compliant Read More...

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