ESG knowledge gap must be bridged quickly by accountants ahead of IFRS Standards

ESG knowledge gap must be bridged quickly by accountants ahead of IFRS Stan...

2y Greg Noble

ESG knowledge gap must be bridged quickly by accou...

The first two IFRS standards will be issued by the end of June 2023 Read More...

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Accountancy encourages digital-first formats, research shows
Making Tax Digital

Accountancy encourages digital-first formats, research shows

5y Shannon Moyer

Accountancy encourages digital-first formats, rese...

The latest Global Business Complexity Index indicates that digital-first taxes and auditing has precedent to become the new normal, but an internation...

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IFRS to bring significant changes for lessee accounting
Accounting Standards

IFRS to bring significant changes for lessee accounting

6y Dom Longley

IFRS to bring significant changes for lessee accou...

IFRS 16 is fully effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019 and brings about significant changes for lessee accounting - by...

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Sustainable cost accounting - The reality of the climate crisis requires nothing less
Accounting Standards

Sustainable cost accounting - The reality of the climate crisis requires no...

6y Richard Murphy

Sustainable cost accounting - The reality of the c...

Professor Richard Murphy argues that IFRS accounting is inappropriate in the era when we are tackling the climate crisis and must be replaced Read Mor...

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IFRS 17 is an “opportunity” for accountants
Accounting Standards

IFRS 17 is an “opportunity” for accountants

6y Tom Lemmon

IFRS 17 is an “opportunity” for accountants

The incoming IFRS 17 insurance accounting standard is an “opportunity” for accountants to highlight their value to their companies, according to Moody...

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Moody’s Analytics enhances accounting and reinsurance capabilities of RiskIntegrity IFRS 17 solution
Accounting Standards

Moody’s Analytics enhances accounting and reinsurance capabilities of RiskI...

6y Tom Lemmon

Moody’s Analytics enhances accounting and reinsura...

Moody’s Analytics has added new accounting and reinsurance capabilities to their RiskIntegrity IFRS 17 solution. These new features are intended to he...

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What will IFRS 16 mean for 2019’s reporting season?
Accounting Standards

What will IFRS 16 mean for 2019’s reporting season?

6y John Kuett

What will IFRS 16 mean for 2019’s reporting season...

John Kuett, vice president of European Lease Accounting at Lease Accelerator provides an essential update on IFRS 16 Read More...

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Applying IFRS 16: Achieving compliance and still managing the day job

Applying IFRS 16: Achieving compliance and still managing the day job

6y Innervision | Sponsored

Applying IFRS 16: Achieving compliance and still m...

Businesses are having a tough time finding the time, money, and personnel to spend on IFRS16 compliance while still getting their BAU work done Read M...

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New IASB/FASB lease accounting standards: what happens after the dust settles?
Accounting Standards

New IASB/FASB lease accounting standards: what happens after the dust settl...

6y Craig Gillespie

New IASB/FASB lease accounting standards: what hap...

Craig Gillespie, Business Area Director for Real Estate at Trimble details the implications of the new rules Read More...

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Five reasons why your IFRS 9 project may have already failed
Accounting Standards

Five reasons why your IFRS 9 project may have already failed

6y Nitin Iyer

Five reasons why your IFRS 9 project may have alre...

Life is full of surprises – some good, and some not so good. From an accounting point of view, surprises are generally best avoided. This is not...

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IFRS 16: how to ensure your house is in order ahead of January 2019 deadline

IFRS 16: how to ensure your house is in order ahead of January 2019 deadlin...

7y Mathew Keshav Lewis

IFRS 16: how to ensure your house is in order ahea...

New lease accounting standards ASC 842 and IFRS 16 are latest in a wave of significant regulatory change Read More...

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What challenges might you face in applying IFRS 16 leases?

What challenges might you face in applying IFRS 16 leases?

7y Jake Green

What challenges might you face in applying IFRS 16...

The key difficulty in applying IFRS 16 leases is obtaining the necessary information to determine lease assets and liabilities so if you haven't start...

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Lease accounting standards: are multinationals sitting on a ‘leaseberg’ of huge proportions?
Accounting Standards

Lease accounting standards: are multinationals sitting on a ‘leaseberg’ of ...

7y Ross Chapman

Lease accounting standards: are multinationals sit...

New lease accounting standards come into force at the start of next year which will fundamentally change how companies can report off-balance sheet fi...

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What does it mean to be an accountant in 2018?

What does it mean to be an accountant in 2018?

7y Accountancy Age

What does it mean to be an accountant in 2018?

The accountancy industry is changing, and with it the role of the accountant and the skills they need to possess Read More...

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Sports Direct implements FRC corrections in annual reporting
Accounting Standards

Sports Direct implements FRC corrections in annual reporting

8y Stephanie Wix , Writer

Sports Direct implements FRC corrections in annual...

Corrective action has been taken by Sports Direct into its international stores reporting, following a review by accounting's watchdog Read More...

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Former CFO joins IASB board
Accounting Standards

Former CFO joins IASB board

8y Stephanie Wix , Writer

Former CFO joins IASB board

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) have announced that Françoise Flores will join 1 January 2017 Read More...

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Cashflow statement improvements targeted by watchdog
Accounting Standards

Cashflow statement improvements targeted by watchdog

8y Stephanie Wix , Writer

Cashflow statement improvements targeted by watchd...

Improvements to cashflow statements are being targeted in a consultation launched by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) Read More...

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FRC expects Brexit narrative within annual reports
Accounting Standards

FRC expects Brexit narrative within annual reports

8y Stephanie Wix , Writer

FRC expects Brexit narrative within annual reports

The Financial Reporting Council has issued guidance regarding the annual reporting of 1,200 large and smaller listed companies. The letter highlighted...

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FRC consults on approach to updating FRS 102 for changes in IFRS
Accounting Standards

FRC consults on approach to updating FRS 102 for changes in IFRS

8y Richard Crump , Writer

FRC consults on approach to updating FRS 102 for c...

The FRC is inviting comments from stakeholders on its proposed approach to updating FRS 102 to reflect changes in IFRS Read More...

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IASB issues amendments to insurance contracts standard
Accounting Standards

IASB issues amendments to insurance contracts standard

8y Richard Crump , Writer

IASB issues amendments to insurance contracts stan...

The IASB has issued amendments to its existing insurance contracts accounting standard, IFRS 4 Read More...

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LAPFF urges FTSE 350 companies to disregard the FRC
Accounting Standards

LAPFF urges FTSE 350 companies to disregard the FRC

9y Richard Crump , Writer

LAPFF urges FTSE 350 companies to disregard the FR...

The UK’s largest listed companies should disregard the accounting advice of reporting watchdog the FRC, a group of investors have urged chairmen of FT...

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Are you getting fair value?

Are you getting fair value?

9y AccountancyAge staff

Are you getting fair value?

Commissioning and preparing an asset valuation for financial reporting should involve a three way dialogue between the client, valuer & auditor Re...

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FRC proposes changes to FRS 101
Accounting Standards

FRC proposes changes to FRS 101

9y Richard Crump , Writer

FRC proposes changes to FRS 101

The amendments to FRS 101 are limited, and predominately provide exemptions from many of the disclosure requirements of IFRS 15 Read More...

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IASB chairman Hoogervorst to prioritise communication effectiveness of financial statements during second term
Accounting Standards

IASB chairman Hoogervorst to prioritise communication effectiveness of fina...

9y Richard Crump , Writer

IASB chairman Hoogervorst to prioritise communicat...

Hans Hoogervorst, chairman of the IASB has outlined plans to prioritise improvements to the communications effectiveness of financial statements Read ...

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IFRS Foundation to cut board size and improve transparency
Accounting Standards

IFRS Foundation to cut board size and improve transparency

9y Richard Crump , Writer

IFRS Foundation to cut board size and improve tran...

IFRS Foundation says it will take steps to enhance visibility of trustee oversight of the IASB, including making meetings of the Due Process Oversight...

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IFRS Foundation and IOSCO agree protocol on IFRS for capital markets
Regulatory Bodies

IFRS Foundation and IOSCO agree protocol on IFRS for capital markets

9y Calum Fuller , Reporter

IFRS Foundation and IOSCO agree protocol on IFRS f...

IFRS Foundation and International Organisation of Securities Commissions announce agreement to improve application of IFRS standards Read More...

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Indonesia set to achieve full IFRS convergence
Accounting Standards

Indonesia set to achieve full IFRS convergence

9y Calum Fuller , Reporter

Indonesia set to achieve full IFRS convergence

Plans laid out for Indonesia to achieve IFRS convergence Read More...

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